全額支給奨学金 海外大学院留学プログラム Asian Peacebuilders Scholarship (APS)

元「国連平和大学 Asian Peacebuilders Schalrship (APS)」にいた学生のブログです。「日本一APSに詳しいブログ」を目指して、APS、海外大学院留学、フィリピン、コスタリカ生活など色々書き綴ってます。

APS入学手続(3)Authenticated Transcript of Records (TOR) /Certificate of Graduation (COG)について


入学手続書類①:Authenticated Transcript of Records (TOR) /Certificate of Graduation (COG)

第一弾として、今回はAuthenticated Transcript of Records (TOR) /Certificate of Graduation (COG)についてご紹介します。TORと言えば、国際協力業界では「Terms of Refference」の略称として用いられますが、今回のTORは「(学部の)成績証明書」、そしてCOGは「卒業証明書」です。ただし、「Authenticated」がついているために、両者とも少々厄介な手続きが必要となります。


前述のInfo Packによれば、このAuthenticated「レッドリボン(Red Ribbon)」認証を受けることを意味し、注意書きとして下記が述べられています。

** Notes on Authentication of Certified Documents

1) Authenticated documents are those proven to be genuine particularly through signature/s of an authorized representative of the local and nearest Philippine Embassy / Consulate to the country of origin or place of issuance. (English translations attached to the official documents must likewise be authenticated).

2) Certified documents are those that bear the official seal of the institution releasing the document accompanied by the signature of the authorized representative.


3) In practice, all documents to be authenticated by the nearest Philippine Embassy/ Consulate must first be certified by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) or its domestic equivalent in your home country.

4) Authentication from the Philippine Embassy/Consulate usually takes the form of a RED RIBBON, bearing the official Philippine Seal, being attached to your authenticated document.

5) Some Embassies attach only ONE RIBBON for a set of two or three documents. Unfortunately, multiple documents must be authenticated individually. This means that there should be a single ribbon per document to process your admission and visa requirement.

