全額支給奨学金 海外大学院留学プログラム Asian Peacebuilders Scholarship (APS)

元「国連平和大学 Asian Peacebuilders Schalrship (APS)」にいた学生のブログです。「日本一APSに詳しいブログ」を目指して、APS、海外大学院留学、フィリピン、コスタリカ生活など色々書き綴ってます。

APS出願後(4)合格通知(admission letter)

前回(APS出願後(3)面接試験について)に引き続き 、今回は合格通知受領後の流れについてご紹介します。


12月11日、無事にAPSより「UPEACE Notification of Admission」との件名で合格通知が届きました。


Dear 〇〇,


I am pleased to inform you that you've been accepted to The United Nations mandated University for Peace for the 2018 - 2019 academic year to the 12th Cohort of the Asian Peacebuilders Scholarship. Attached you will find your official Admissions Letter and Scholarship Terms and Conditions.

との書き出しで始まり、Admissions Letter(合格通知書)とScholarship Terms and Conditions(奨学金要項)が添付されていました。今回は2つの内、合格通知書についてご紹介します。


Admissions Letter(合格通知書)について


Dear 〇〇:


You have been selected for admission to the 12th Cohort of the Asian Peacebuilders Scholarship (APS) programme. Under the scholarship, you will pursue academic studies during the 2018-2019 academic year in an MA programme at the University for Peace (UPEACE) (you will be expected to confirm your MA programme and are of specialisation by 31 March 2018) and the MA Programme in Political Science, with major in Global Politics (Non-thesis Track) at Ateneo de Manila University (AdMU).

You have been admitted to the Intermediate English training phase, based on your English test results and/or the interview.


Please carefully review the important requirements within the supplementary document entitled "Admissions and Scholarship Terms and Conditions." You will also need to sign and send that
document on or before 15-December-2017 to confirm your commitment to the requirements.

と記されており、Scholarship Terms and Conditions(奨学金要項)を読んだ上で内容に同意する場合は、一週間以内に要項に署名し、PDFで送るよう指示されていますので注意が必要です。

次回は、そのScholarship Terms and Conditionsについてご紹介します。